Hi everyone! My name is Jack Cobabe, and I'm a theatre artist and administrator in Salt Lake City, Utah. I've worked with various companies including Voodoo Theatre Company, The Grand Theatre, The Classical Greek Theatre Festival, Wasatch Theatre Company, Beyond the Line Theatre Company, An Other Theater Company, and the Great Salt Lake Fringe Festival. I received my BFA in Theatre Performance from Westminster College in Salt Lake City, Utah.
I choose to tell stories because I know they can impact people. My life, of course, has been changed through theatre, and so have the lives of many others. I believe theatre can help strengthen a community and raise questions for society to ponder. This is what the ancient Greeks used theatre to do, and I strive to do the same. As Shakespeare puts it, the purpose of playing is "to hold, as 'twere, the mirror up to nature; to show virtue her own feature, scorn her own image, and the very age and body of the time his form and pressure."